Small Berry, Big World
Berry Central International is the central hub for the wild blueberry marketplace. From farmers, growers, and producers; to grocery stores, restaurants, industrial food processing, and everyone in between — if you’re in the business of wholesale blueberries, you’ve found the right place. We’re here to bring you all together, and to bring all of you right to the heart of the wild blueberry industry.
(ABOVE) LIVE STREAM of Dalhousie University Wild Blueberry Research Centre near Debert, Nova Scotia.
(ABOVE) LIVE STREAM Close up of wild blueberry development in the same field.
Current Time in Halifax Nova Scotia
Live streams above showing up black?
If the images are black that means it’s night time in Atlantic Canada! Below are some shots you might enjoy from a typical wild blueberry field and crop as the weather changes.
Know Before You Buy
There’s a reason people rave about the fantastic health benefits of wild blueberries. But what makes these berries so special? Where do they come from and how do they grow? And why are they considered such a powerful superfood? At Berry Central International, we want everyone to know why Nova Scotia wild blueberries in particular top the chart for being the best blueberries in Canada.
Wild Blueberries vs Cultivated Berries
Most blueberries people see in grocery stores are cultivated blueberries (also called “highbush blueberries”) — not wild, or “lowbush blueberries”. They are bigger, plumper, and lighter in colour than wild blueberries. Wild blueberries are smaller, darker, and have more variation in size and shape. This is because cultivated blueberries come from limited genetic stock, where there are hundreds if not thousands of wild blueberry lines in a single field. It’s this genetic diversity that makes wild blueberries so much more healthy and delicious!
Wild Blueberry Farms
Wild blueberries aren’t planted in rows like many other crops. They only occur naturally in colder climates, like Canada’s. They love rocky fields with bare, acidic soil called “barrens”, and wherever they decide to grow is where the farmers establish their operation! Since this natural landscape is what makes wild blueberries so much healthier than their cultivated counterparts, many wild blueberry farmers are staunch practitioners and advocates for environmental protection and sustainability.
A Healthy Superfood
These small colourful berries are not only packed with flavour, but are also known as one of the best superfoods. Their dark colour is caused by their very high antioxidant levels. Antioxidants help your immune system fight excess free radicals; too many of which can cause a multitude of health issues. More research on this topic can be found in our Resources section!
Berry Season
Wild blueberries only produce fruit once a year, in a limited window usually in late July or early August. Because of the rocky soil and uneven terrain that wild blueberries prefer, many wild blueberry farmers still harvest their fields by hand with a blueberry rake, like their ancestors did. Although the harvesting might be low-tech, modern freezing processes have allowed them to capture the freshness of the berry and deliver it to the consumer within 24 hours of being picked! This allows people from all over the world to enjoy the incredible health benefits of fresh wild blueberries all year round.
Alain Bossé, the Kilted Chef!
Chef Alain is known all across Atlantic Canada and beyond as the Kilted Chef. Every new recipe and every fresh dish brings together the incredible local flavours of Nova Scotia. His skill and passion for using local ingredients make him the perfect ambassador for Nova Scotia wild blueberries! We’re so pleased to be able to present to you just a few of his fabulous recipes featuring these superfruits.
To learn more about the Kilted Chef, follow him on Facebook, or visit his website. He does a LIVE cooking show on his Facebook page every weekday at 3:00PM Atlantic Standard Time - don’t miss it!
Our Partners
Berry Central comes together thanks to the collective effort of many passionate individuals. Special thanks should be extended to Koh Matsumoto, Ralf Pickart (NS Webcams), Peter Rideout (True Blue Agri Consulting), Neil Stephen (This is Marketing), Laurie Brown (Oxford Frozen Foods), and Chef Alain Bossé (The Kilted Chef).
Thank you!